Advance Content Feedback System

By default, your members have the option to publish and un-publish their posts on your website. The Advanced Content Feedback System add-on allows you to manage how content is reviewed and published on your platform.

You can require a website admin to approve and publish member posts or allow members to publish and un-publish their own posts, depending on your platform's needs.

Advance Content Feedback System addon


The Advance Content Feedback System add-on for Bright Directories enhances the user experience by allowing you to set specific photo limits for different membership plans. Higher-level membership plans can upload more photos per album, providing them with additional value and encouraging users to upgrade. This feature is perfect for industries like real estate, design, and more, where showcasing visual content is essential.

Customize Content Approval Based on Membership Plan

The Advanced Content Feedback System add-on provides you with powerful tools to manage photo uploads based on your members' subscription plans. This feature ensures optimal use of storage space while encouraging plan upgrades. Higher-tier members enjoy greater upload allowances, while lower-tier members are kept within their limits.

Key Features

The Advance Content Feedback System add-on allows you to control how many photos each member can upload based on their membership plan, ensuring efficient use of storage space. It also encourages upgrades by offering higher-tier members the ability to post more photos and preventing lower-tier members from exceeding limits.

  • Instant Access to Photo Library: Seamlessly integrate the stock photo library into your website's text editors, allowing members to easily browse and select images without leaving the platform.
  • Browse Over 10 Million Stock Photos: Members have access to a vast library of over 10 million high-quality stock photos, giving them endless options for creating visually rich content.
  • One-Click Photo Insertion: Members can insert images directly into their content with just a single click, saving valuable time.
  • Custom Access for Specific Members: Tailor photo library access for individual members, giving them the flexibility to use stock images as needed.
  • Plan-Based Library Access: Offer photo library access based on membership levels, ensuring that higher-tier plans enjoy premium visual content with added value.
  • Enhanced Visual Appeal: By incorporating high-quality stock photos, members can enhance the professionalism and attractiveness of their content.
  • Boosted User Engagement: Vibrant, high-quality visuals encourage greater user interaction, helping to create a more engaging and visually stimulating platform.

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  • If you have already a directory and want to shift to our platform. We will help to transfer all data with our technical experts.
  • We will guide you even to setup and help to run your business with world class support without any hassle.