Restricted Member Profiles

Enhance privacy and control over your website by restricting access to specific member profiles based on their membership levels. This feature allows admins to hide certain profiles from public view or limit their visibility to specific audiences.

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Additionally, you can incentivize membership upgrades by restricting search functionalities for lower-tier members. This encourages users to upgrade their plans to unlock more features and access a broader range of profiles.

Restricted Member Profiles

Adjusting privacy settings for different membership levels is simple and highly customizable, giving you the flexibility to manage how member information is displayed. Unlock advanced member search permissions and maintain control over your website’s privacy settings effortlessly.

Key Features of Restricted Member Profiles

  • Customizable Search Visibility: Choose which members can appear in search results to align with your website’s privacy and business goals.
  • Boost Membership Level Exposure: Highlight specific membership levels to increase their visibility and value.
  • Hide Private Accounts: Suppress the visibility of private or restricted accounts, ensuring better privacy control.
  • Membership-Based Access Control: Define which members can search for and view others based on their membership tier.
  • Drive Revenue Growth: Encourage members to upgrade their plans by offering enhanced search and profile visibility as premium features.

Who Is This For?

The Hidden Member Profiles add-on is ideal for websites that require enhanced privacy controls or aim to encourage member upgrades by limiting access to specific features.

Here are a few scenarios where this add-on can be effectively utilized:

Example 1: Restrict lower-tier members from accessing premium member profiles in search results. Encourage them to upgrade their membership plans to unlock full access to your website’s member directory, increasing engagement and revenue.

Example 2: If general consumers register on your website to access a professional member directory, this add-on lets you hide their profiles. Your professional members remain searchable while general consumers are excluded from appearing in search results, ensuring a cleaner and more relevant directory.

Example 3: Managing an internal corporate directory? Use this add-on to restrict employees from searching for one another, while allowing managers and executives full access to the employee directory. This ensures privacy and controlled access within your organization.

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  • Still thinking or have doubt, send us email to help you out
  • If you have already a directory and want to shift to our platform. We will help to transfer all data with our technical experts.
  • We will guide you even to setup and help to run your business with world class support without any hassle.