Quickly Upload Your Members
Quick Imports - Verify the format of your.csv file before uploading it to your website. That much is obvious.
Pinpoint Location - For location accuracy and precise map layout, members with valid addresses are geotagged.
Import Template - Use our simple template file to help you complete the member import procedure to save time.
Custom import - Import all members from pre-defined fields as well as new custom fields.
Overview Of Import Listings
It is advantageous to do this, make a few listings, and then edit the fields to make sure they are precisely how you want them to be.
Allows you to pick a file to import by attaching the file with the data you want to import as a CSV file.
The first few options ask you what symbol you want to use to divide your Columns, Images, and Categories in addition to the file attachments.
Listing status
The post status of NEW and EXISTING listings can be controlled using the Listing Status parameters.
Missing categories
The system is instructed on how to handle missing categories via the Missing Categories Handling setting.
Batch size
The batch size of the import will determine how many listings are imported per cycle; this setting should be kept at its default value.
E-mail notifications
To instruct the plugin how to handle email notifications during import, utilize the page's final setting.
Overview of Export Listings
Bright Directories help in creating a few listings, and then editing the fields to ensure they are exactly how you want them to be is useful.
Export images
When this option is selected and turned on, the exporter will produce a ZIP file that includes a CSV file and listing photos.
CSV file setting
Create distinct copies of the CSV file for each operating system in order to guarantee that all of your listing information is accurate.
You can use the symbols in your CSV file to divide up multiple data items.
Export listing button
You are prepared to export your listings once you have made the necessary setting selections.
Bright Directories can help you locate trustworthy companies and can help you maintain a website that is essential to your clients. Through the lead management directory, reviews and ratings, import bulk members with ease and raise the calibre of your website and promote lead generation. By actively monitoring reviews on your website, you can provide members autonomy by allowing them to manage their content with a content management directory and in-depth research with complete authority.